What are your wishes to be happy?

These are my wishes for full happiness

Sammy Naicker
3 min readJun 7, 2024

I wish

For a world where we all genuinely cared for one another. Not just ask, “How are you?” because we go through the motions of appearing to be nice to what society expects from us.

I wish

For a world where all leaders sincerely care and conduct themselves with much more empathy. This applies to all leaders, from leaders of countries to leaders of huge to small companies.

I wish

That these fat cat huge corporate companies and celebrities will give back more to the very people who idolize them and put them on a pedestal.

I wish

That people will realize, we come with nothing and leave with nothing. We need to share more! The symbolic pie of the world is big enough for everyone!

I wish

For a world where we treat everyone equally as well as with respect.

I wish

For a world where we all will think twice about the ripple effect of our actions. Things like climate change is no coincidence.

I wish

That people will stop being so arrogant and be more humble.

I wish

That people will realize that we have so little time on this planet and spend more time using the time we have on earth to help each other unconditionally and with no ulterior motives.

I wish

That people will use all the knowledge and technology we are blessed to have at our disposal to build this world into a more loving and peaceful world.

I wish

That restaurants, supermarkets and people in general will stop wasting so much food and realize that we have enough food in this world where no one needs to die from hunger. It it sad that many supermarkets and restaurants still dispose of good edible food every single day!

I wish

That depression and matters of the mind are taken more seriously where we can offer much more help to people who suffer from depression.

I wish

That we all can live happily and treat everyone like a big family that we are all blessed to have. I always feel, we are all connected more than we think we are.

I wish

That more people will read this and think more about what I have written and work towards making these wishes a reality.

I wish

For all of us to finally wake up and realize how blessed we are to be alive.

I am happy to be alive. I am happy for my life. However, these are wishes for me to be happy on more levels. A fuller type of happiness! It is the ultimate happiness for me!

What are your wishes to be happy?

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Sammy Naicker

Writer,Entrepreneur-focusing on Self Help,Entrepreneurship,Motivation,Health and Fitness. Catch me here : https://radiant-naickersam872.wordpress.com/contact/