What Does Travel Do for the Mind?

The therapy of travel

Sammy Naicker
3 min readJun 10, 2024

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” — Anthony Bourdain

Travel has always helped me open up my mind to new solutions to any issue.

Whether it was a road trip or catching a flight, it has always helped me rewire and get into my favorite zone of thinking.

It goes without saying that in these tough economic times, travel can be very expensive for many. However, if one plans early as well as books early, one can stumble across some great travel specials. I normally make my travel bookings through Expedia. They frequently have good specials on flights, accommodation as well as car hire.

I remember my last trip to New Orleans. It was in 2017. I was going through a lot in my career as well as with my relationship with my girlfriend at that time.

It was a period where lots of decisions needed to be made in my life. Spending time away from home (South Africa) did me a world of good. Just the experience of a brand new environment helped me see things clearer.

Yes, I did party a lot! One cannot go to New Orleans and not enjoy all that New Orleans has to offer. The good times, also came with many moments of reflection.

Travelling has always brought out my creative side. The exposure to new surroundings, new food and new people stimulates the mind which in turn triggers creativity.

As writers we need this. We need creativity. Yes, sure we can get creativity in many other ways other than travel, however, travel for me does a very good job for my creativity.

Escaping the routine of home also helps reduce stress for me.

When I travel, I value the experience of cultural awareness. Learning about new cultures is priceless. It makes one remember and appreciate the amazing world we live in.

Travel is definitely my feel good drug. If you have been thinking about planning a holiday but keep putting it off, please do not do this. Try your very best to plan and book your holiday. You owe it to yourself. Search Expedia for a good travel deal within your budget.

Feel free to share your thoughts on what a holiday does for you as well as where you would like to go on holiday next. It may also help others reading this article with planning their next holiday.

As I sign off, I leave you with this video below. Until next time, take care and happy holiday planning!

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Sammy Naicker

Writer,Entrepreneur-focusing on Self Help,Entrepreneurship,Motivation,Health and Fitness. Catch me here : https://radiant-naickersam872.wordpress.com/contact/